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Do you know that diapers are better than diapers not only because they are convenient and fast, but also because of these advantages?


With the improvement of living conditions in every household, diapers have gradually replaced traditional diapers. This product is not only convenient and convenient, but also has many other advantages, replacing diapers. Where are diapers more convenient and advantageous?

1. Better sterilization effect

Any object in our daily life will have some bacteria attached to its surface. Babies who grow up in a bacterial environment for a long time may inevitably experience some discomfort or illness. If the baby uses traditional diapers, when the baby excretes, more of the excrement will adhere to the surface of the baby's skin instead of penetrating into the diaper, making it easier for bacteria to corrode the baby's skin and harm its skin health. Scientific research suggests that the surface of diapers used by babies has a much lower bacterial count than traditional diapers, which can reduce the amount of bacteria that babies come into contact with on their skin. Therefore, diapers have an advantage in maintaining environmental hygiene.

2. Keep skin dry and dry

When we use diapers for babies, we often find that if the baby wets the diaper, their buttocks are also wet. This indicates that the water absorption of traditional diapers is not satisfactory. If the baby's buttocks skin is exposed to this humid environment for a long time, it is easy to have red buttocks or ulceration. Diapers can completely compensate for this. The material of the contact surface allows the baby's urine to quickly penetrate the core, which contains highly absorbent substances that can quickly suck in the liquid. Due to its strong water absorption, it can keep the baby's buttocks skin from being troubled by damp environments for a certain period of time, reducing the probability of red buttocks and maintaining the baby's skin health.

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